AminoSib® Brand Responsibility
Development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia
Russia is a huge country and has enormous potential in the agricultural industry. However, after a decline in investment in this industry, we see agriculture at its lowest point of development. With a huge number of cultivated fields, we import grain from abroad, the same is observed in the livestock industry. Today this problem is exacerbated by the constant growth in consumption.
This is why Aminosib sets itself the goal of a national scale - to revive and develop the agricultural industry and the agro-industrial sector in the regions of Russia. We have made the product needed by the market available to domestic consumers thanks to our own wheat as well as through the use of modern and innovative technologies and a well-thought-out logistics chain.
Amino acids and feed additives from Aminosib are components (Lysine and Barda), essential for animal production, which improve the performance of the end product. They are completely natural and environmentally friendly products because we use the technology of deep processing of wheat, which makes it possible to synthesize them without chemical additives, dangerous to the final consumer - you and me.
Another product of the processing of our raw material is Gluten (gluten). This product will allow flour producers to reduce the share of raw materials they buy from abroad. The gluten from Aminosib serves as a natural and safe component that increases the quality of the flour.
More information about AminoSib® products can be found in the "Products" section.
Evaluating today's realities and the situation in the world markets, we are convinced that our products are capable of becoming one of the main growth factors of Russian agriculture, being an ideal product of import substitution policy!
Development of the Tyumen Region
One of the important tasks for Aminosib is the development of our own region of the Tyumen region. By implementing the Federal Import Substitution Program, we intend to attract additional investments into the region to stimulate the development of the agricultural industry, the development of the domestic high-tech market, and the development of the region's infrastructure.
An enterprise of such scale as Aminosib means new jobs for young specialists, for whom the development of their own region is not just words.
AminoSib® is an environmentally friendly technology
Modern society continues to evolve - this is the inevitable side of progress and evolution. In order to meet the needs of the growing population of our Planet, man is forced to build new plants and processing factories, expand cities, building up new areas with elements of infrastructure. Now our main goal is to preserve the ecological situation on our planet in order to provide a favorable life for future generations.
Even with such rapid development, there are still regions on our planet with clean nature, such as Siberia! Many people think this place is sparsely populated and not suitable for life because of the severe frosts and unapproachable ancient forest - the taiga. However, this is not the case.
The southern territories of Siberia have a unique climate, which allows for successful agriculture and livestock farming. It is in these territories that we grow our raw material, wheat, which is the basis for AminoSib® products.
Today we have achieved such results that we can not only preserve the ecology of the region but also create a product that is safe for use in other regions of Russia and the world.